
Kentucky Bourbon is calling your name!

Follow the guide below to download itineraries, book your accommodations, make reservations, and enjoy exclusive deals on your next bourbon adventure.

Come Find Bourbon!

Come Find Bourbon! Scroll down to download itineraries, book accommodations, make reservations, and enjoy exclusive deals on your #CFBroadtrip.

View Itineraries and See what it's like visiting covington, frankfort, and bardstown

Review and save our suggested itineraries below so you don’t have to worry about finding directions later.


Visit Covington

Plan your trip to Frankfort

Visit Frankfort

Plan your trip to bardstown

Visit Bardstown

Road trip Starting in Covington

See Itinerary

Plan your trip to frankfort

Visit Frankfort

Plan your trip to bardstown

Visit Bardstown

Book Your Distillery Tours

Click below for a full list of the distilleries on the Come Find Bourbon road trip and easily book your tours and tastings.

View Distilleries

Book Your Accommodations and Make Reservations

Round out your trip with luxurious and one-of-a-kind stays, fun activities, and culinary experiences you won’t forget.

Sign-Up for the Come Find Bourbon Passport

Check in to each stop you visit, earn points, and claim rewards at the end of your road trip.

We can’t wait to see you on the Come Find Bourbon  road trip!

Contact Us

For additional questions, comments, or concerns please contact us at info@comefindbourbon.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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